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Wed May 15th, 2024 @ 6:49pm

Senior Chief Petty Officer Jonathan Stoun

Name Jonathan Michael Stoun

Position Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Second Position Chief of the Boat

Rank Senior Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 44

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2
Weight 209
Hair Color Bald/Red
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Standing like a "Bulkhead" Jon is tall, broad shouldered and built like a boxer. Jon has been sometimes described as a Gorilla in a man's body. A slight look of disappointment is usually on his face.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Alfred Stoun
Mother Wilma Stoun
Brother(s) Paul
Sister(s) Nina

Personality & Traits

General Overview John can usually be found in his "happy place" when he is fixing something. Cobbling together a solution out of broken parts and missing pieces drives and motivates him. Beyond that he is a bit of a workaholic, he enjoys being in Engineering, even during his off hours, almost afraid that something will go wrong if he's not down there.

Strong willed, and bright, he'll voice his opinion when warranted and when knows he's right, he'll dig his heels in.

John has had no interest in moving up into further command. He is happy crawling into conduits and Jeffries tubes.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Technically adapt, strong willed, likes to think outside of the box, opinionated

Weakness: Sometimes thinks to far out of the box, doesn't know when to let things be sometimes, strong willed, workaholic

Hobbies & Interests Chess, Boxing, Kitbashing, Parrises Squares, Reading technical manuals, Historical Objects

Service Record 2370 Boot Camp - Cleveland Depot/USS Ashtabula
2370 USS Thomas Paine - Engineering Crewman 3rd Class
2370 USS Thomas Paine - Engineering Crewman 2nd Class
2371 USS Thomas Paine - Engineering Crewman 1st Class Beta Shift
2371 USS Thomas Paine - Engineering Crewman 1st Class Alpha Shift
2372 USS Repulse - Engineering PO3
2373 - 2377 USS Elkins - Engineering PO2 - Combat Operations/ship systems/weaponry
2377 - 2379 USS Brinell - Engineering PO2 Starfleet COE - Engineer
2379 - 2383 USS Brinell - Engineering PO1 Starfleet COE - Engineer
2384 - 2388 USS Brinell - Engineering CPO Starfleet COE - Engineer
2388 - 2392 SB322 - Engineering Research CPO
2393 - 2395 Cleveland Depot/USS Ashtabula - Engineering Training Program - COE
2396 - USS Youngstown - SCPO - Engineering Training Program - COE
2396 - USS Copernicus - SCPO - Chief Engineer