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Operations Meeting

Posted on Fri Jul 23rd, 2021 @ 8:16am by Ensign L'johk Adams & Lieutenant JG Anek Tua

1,061 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Fear Is Fear Itself
Location: Deck 2 - Mess Hall
Timeline: Mission Day 4 @ 1600 Hours


Now most times Lothian liked to keep in the background, but when it came to this new ship, eventually one really needed to get to know whom she was working with. So, she sent out messages, in the form of, Hi, I'm Petty Officer 1st Class, Shailyn Lothan I'd like to get to know whom I am working with. Can we meet at the mess hall, please?

Now she waited, at the not so big eating area but hey, this will work out. And would they come? All she can do is wait and see.

A few minutes after Shailyn put out her call, A burly barrel chested man walked in wearing black trousers, black long sleeved shirt, a red sash tied around his waist and a wicked looking sabre at his hip. He walked over to the replicator. " Raktajino, double strong." He turned and strolled over to the table. " I be ensign Edward Teach, You be the one calling this meeting? "

"Given she's the only one here I hope so!" Adams had appeared behind Teach, equally as broad and imposing as the other Operations Ensign. "Hey new girl!" he beamed across the mess, waving a immense hand at the women he had yet to meet before ordering himself a Raktajino from the replicator and moving to join the other two.

Edward closed his eyes and placed his hand on his forehead. " Ach... Where be our manners Mr. Adams? The lady here be the only one without a Raktajino in hand. We bloody well can't have an Ops meeting without Raktajino!! " Edward turned to Shailyn. " What will it be lass? Petite, Regular or Grande? " he asked with a warm grin.

Looking at the size of the two men, feeling rather dwarfed by their height, she squeaked out, "I'll have the grande size, I think I'm going to need it." Lothian giving a bit of a gulp. Oh my these men are tall!

Lieutenant Anek Tua entered the Mess Hall next. The new Trill Operations Manager had not been aboard the Copernicus for long, it seemed like it had only been a few minutes even, but he was looking forward to starting this next chapter in his life. Even if the Symbiont and he weren't exactly getting along very well.

"I was summoned?" He asked playfully.

Adams had turned to face the replicator once more ordering up the drink requested by the petite crewman. "Anything to drink sir?"

Lothian gulped once more, there was another tall one that arrived and he was the Chief of Operations. "Er yes sir. I-I did summon you all. I just wanted to meet all of you. Hope you don't mind that I did." her cheeks reddened at the attention she was receiving.

"I don't mind at all," he answered as he looked to the other, "I have to politely decline the drink though. The worm in my belly isn't in a good mood." He smiled as he said it, knowing that now Tua would probably have something to say about it.

"So is this the whole gang?" He asked as he looked around, having studied the personnel details before leaving the Andromeda.

"I believe so, yes. I had gone over the personnel listing just to see who was whom, then wanted this meeting. Hadn't realized that you three were so tall, but anyway. This all of us. Not like we really need a lot of people for this size ship, right?" Lothian replied.

L'johK chuckled, only just realising that she had it on the head. He himself towering over even Ensign Teach.
"Nice to meet you sir. Ensign L'johK Adams. Don't let the forehead fool you, I'm a good guy really!"

" Really Mr. Adams? A good guy? " He said jokingly. " How disappointing! And here I was hoping you were a scurvy black hearted pirate like myself. " He said with an amused grin.

He turned to the Lieutenant. " Lieutenant Tua is it? Is this an official meeting now or just a social meet and greet? If this be a meet and greet, then I'd like to invite the lot of you to the holodeck for some melee combat training. In my experience nothing builds a bond quicker than combat and knowing what your teammates can do and knowing you can depend on each other. "

Edward looked towards Shailyn. " What do ya say lass? You've got a say so in this as well. "

"Quick strike now while the Iron is hot! We can take them," the Tua Symbiont said playfully to Anek inside his head.

"Wait, what? Combat training? I er.. I didn't sign up to be a combat engineer. I can swing a mean wrench, toss monkey wrenches into things. but.. I don't think I've got the fighting skills like you two or even you three." looking at the three men. "Now I am great in getting into tight places to fix something or make a mean scan or two." giving an apologetic shrug.

"I think that now is a perfect time for a social gathering instead of a formal meeting," the new Operations Manager answered. "We need some time to get to know from one another and get a feel for each other after all," he smiled as he said it.

"Coward," Tua criticized.

"Social gathering?" said the Klingon hybrid with a wolfish smile. "All I heard then was break out the Whiskey!"

"Okay that sounds great." Lothian replied, really looking at the three men, woah all three of them were, wow. She can handle it. but the three of them were so intense. She then smiled, after taking a drink of her raktajino. "Cheers boys. Here's to us working together for the good of the ship."

Tua nodded in agreement, "We have the best Ops Team in the fleet. Let's show them what we're made of."

"Senior officers report to the bridge!" the voice of Lieutenant Carter interrupted the revelry and just as quickly vanished once more.

Lothian looked up towards the announcement from Carter. "Well it looks like we'll be needing to put this off for a few. Work is calling for our Chief's attention."

The group quickly dispersed, exiting the room with haste but most still clinging to their coffee cups, the trade mark signature of any Operations Officer on Copernicus.



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