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No One Person Is An Island

Posted on Mon Oct 31st, 2022 @ 7:01pm by Commodore Keiben Haistro & Lieutenant JG Alena Alessa & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jonathan Stoun

1,087 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 5 - Objects In Motion
Location: Station Operations
Timeline: Mission Day 5 @ 1100 Hours


Keiben had been touring the station, contemplating the state of things and how it often felt like he was carrying the weight of the sector on his shoulders since he had gone from four pips to a single pip surrounded by a box. Command, senior Command especially, was not a forgiving lover as he was finding out but the quiet time had been a welcome change and he had started to notice the cracks taking place within the civilian and Starfleet population and it was now that it hit him. He wasn't just the commander of a military outpost, he was the governor of a community and he needed to start thinking like that as well.

His meandering had brought him to Ops and the two people he realised would be instrumental in directing this were both sitting at the Ops Table.
"Lieutenant, Commander... Could I steal you both for a moment!" pointing idly up at the open doors of his office.

Alena looked up from what she had been doing. Arranging counseling schedules was quite a task. Especially after the recent events. People needed to cope with what had happened. "Of course, Sir", she said and stood.

"Sure." Tam replied rising from the seat she'd been sitting on, looking at the various statistics on the station.

"Chief Stoun... We may need your help with this as well". Keiben allowed the two to lead the way up the stairs as he indicated for a roving Lieutenant at the back of Ops to take over for a moment. He ascended the small stairs after them, Stoun entering the room just before he did and he pressed the door controls to close the office off from the rest of Ops.

"We have a small but thriving community on the station now... We need to start looking at something for the population and I believe that we are almost at the time that Ba'ku holds its festival of light and sound... As first officer and station Counselor do you both agree that this would be something that we could hold along with Ba'ku... Start getting involved with festivals and different festive events through the year?"

Alena thought it over. "It will boost the morale, that for sure. It would be good for people's mood and state of mind. We've all been through a lot lately, so i think it's a great idea to give people a chance to relax and enjoy being here", she said.

"I'm glad you said that Lieutenant... I want you to over see the implementation of this festival on the station... Maybe an annual event?" the corners of his lips pulling up ever so slightly knowing this would be the largest amount of responsibility Alena had land on her unto this point in her career. "As Station Counsellor I can't think of anyone better qualified to over see this!"

"I think that would be a marvelous idea." Giving a nod of approval.

"What is the festival of Light and Sound?" Jon rubbed his face, it was wet with perspiration. "I've never heard of it before, but I'm sure that it is probably like any other Light festival huh?"

"My understanding is music of all tastes, light shows, colour, markets and the like. Something akin to Diwali on Earth".
Keiben started to hand out PADD's to the small gathering of Officers. "We would need you to over see the sound system instillation across the promenade, the lighting... Not quite as interesting as your usual day to day tasks Chief I know."

"I'll get it done, one of the thing I have wanted to upgrade anyways." The Chief looked over the PADD. "I think I can scrounge up a lot of this stuff."

Alena smiled. "Sounds like a plan to me. I'm going to send out a schedule for counseling times for anyone interested. It's not been easy lately, and I can imagine that people would like to talk about the ordeal we went through not long ago", she said

"Could you add our temporal refugee to that list as well please Lieutenant... I think Mr Musk could use someone to discuss what he has been through!"
Keiben added in before turning back to the assembled group.

"Back on topic for the festival... Thoughts, opinions, ideas?"

"Of course Sir", Alena replied in response to Keiben's request. "We could do with some food from different cultures. From what I know, various kinds of food and different games, music, even stories, could contribute to a festival", she said in response to the ideas for the festival.

"I do concur, it would be a good idea for him to be feeling more at ease as he's a stranger in a strange land. And definitely another person who is out of his usual time." Tamaska remarked.

"I make a mean chili, would that fit? Old family recipe, more of a sweet chili, but will put some meat on the bones." Stoun looked around at the others. "I like it at least."

"I would love to try the chili myself. Sounds delicious. Could have a chili cook off or for that matter do a show case of those who love to cook. There are a few of us who do know." Tam giving a chuckle.

"Could be interesting. I wonder how chili would fair with alien physiology. Don't want to cause a diplomatic row because of some beans and tomato." Jon grinned at the thought of having to justify gastric symptoms to a tribunal.

"Well that definitely will have to be researched, right?" Tam looking around at the others there. "Maybe the other races here have their own sort of chili dish."

"The, don't give to much away because I want to enjoy the festival. Have a think, get some idea's and then come back to me with a date so we can begin planning and getting the word around."
Keiben offered, genuinely excited at the prospect but also not wanting to know to much so he could actually enjoy it along with the rest of the station population. It wasn't often he was surprised or unaware.

"If you will excuse me, I have other meetings but please do use the office as long as you need!"
He slipped from his chair behind the desk, nodding at the small group as he exited.

After Keiban left, Tamaska looked at those left in the room. "What about some of us who know how to play music put on a performance?"

...To Be Continued...


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