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Seaside Retreat - Part 2

Posted on Sun Mar 14th, 2021 @ 11:47am by Commander Peter Horn & Lieutenant Commander Junjie Han

1,947 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 2 - Echoes Of An Empire
Location: Gret'Oar'Zhan Bio Weapon Cold Storage Facility
Timeline: Mission Day 9 @ 10:15 Hours


Within moments a voice could be heard from the over head speakers built into the structure of the facility they were now trying to retreat from, the voice however was familiar.

"Alert" the Captain's voice sounded distant, hollow, his eyes glazed over but he continued to talk and as he did he seemed to expand, it took a moment for the others to realise that he was patched in directly to the internal communication system. "Intruders detected in multiple locations. Senatorial Parliament military coordination centre. Weapon research facility city of Trey'Tan'Dur. Biological Weapon Research cold storage facility Gret'Oar'Zhan Coast. Genetic Biolab Julanth Trench, Oar'Zhan Sea... Counter measures deployed. Main computer system and power generation activated, main processor operating at seventeen percent, further psionic input and interface required!"

Jelani looked up, as if staring at one of the speakers would give her more understanding.

"That's the Captain!" she offered through the haze she was still fighting.

Peter nodded as he urged the rest into the shuttle. "Get her comfortable," he ordered as he slid into the pilot's seat. "I am going to prepare for take-off."

The pain had ebbed but she was cold, shivering in fact.
"Why is it so dark in here?"

Brows pulled into almost a solid 'V', Peter turned his head sharply towards her. "How do you mean? The lights are on in the shuttle as we are taking off..." And just as he had made the lift-off, the shuttle's lights went out and the consoles went dark. "Brace for impact!" he called out as the shuttle just about nose-dived down.

By the time the shuttle hit the surface Jelani was unconscious, the trauma, fear and blood loss taking its toll on her.

Minka was desperately trying to work out what happened while trying not to pass out having been thrown unceremoniously into the bulkhead. She coughed several times as acidic smoke was starting to fill the shuttle. "Sir .... sir ....we have to get out of here. I can't vent this and I have no clue what just happened. Also my equipment is ...." she looked over at where it too had been unceremoniously throw ..." Its fried. The console is fried. Nothing is responding .....

Can everyone move? I think ... the security officer is out cold. We need to carry her."

Peter groaned under his breath as he stirred. When the shuttle crashed he'd been thrown forward and hit his head against the window, the console painfully striking his abdomen. "I will carry her," he volunteered, "I am probably best suited to do so. Gather field kits, the shuttle will not be safe to remain in. Whatever is out there, it will come to hunt us."

A screech of claw on glass could be heard... It was already here, watching them through the charred blast screen. Its black viscous skin oozing and undulating, fangs bared ready to strike but it found it could damage this metal shell they had hidden in. The surface under its claw had left a mark, white indentation where it had traced it claw. Perhaps all if needed do was cut them out.

Junjie checked himself. " I'm a bit bruised and a few minor cuts but nothing serious. Anyone need any help?" He asked. He heard the noise from the Glass up front. " I think they found us already." Junjie quickly grabbed the survival gear and placed it where it could be gotten to in a hurry.

"We need to leave," Peter urged, "grab your gear, we are leaving. Now! Whatever was outside their shuttle, Peter had no doubt it would be able to get in just as quick. But how had it found them so fast, even if they had barely been aloft surely they had traveled some distance away from the temple? He scooped the unconscious woman up into his arms, shifting her to a fireman's carry despite her injury. It was easier for him and less exhausting.

He looked out into the dense foliage. "Junjie take point," he said, "scan for anything that can provide shelter, and cover from that creature."

The creature continued its unrelenting attack on the crippled shuttles bow, it needed flesh but it also needed to understand what the telepathic one was. The machine was calling for more and maybe it would be suitable!

Junjie had loaded himself down with as much science gear and survival rations as he could carry. " Take point? Aye Sir on it! " The sound of the door opening attracted the creature's attention. Junjie fired point blank into it's chest on heavy stun setting. " That's not going to hold it for long. Junjie reported. It might buy us two or three minutes top so let's move!!

He stopped at the edge of the tree line and did a scan with the tricorder of the jungle ahead of them. " There's a structure three hundred meters ahead and it's giving off low level power readings. Follow me!! " With that he started off at a brisk jog towards the structure. The sunlight filtered down through the canopy as the last of the morning mist was burning off in the increasing heat of the day. The mist gave the jungle a surreal feeling to the atmosphere.

About half way to the structure, the jungle became silent. There was no sounds of birds or insects, not even the wind stirred under the canopy. The only sound was the murmuring of a small brook that was nearby. The silence was shattered by a screaming howl that was filled with hate and fury. " Umm... i think the stun effects have worn off, I suggest we move a bit quicker."

About fifty meters before the structure, They could hear a loud crashing in the underbrush rapidly moving their direction. They were able to access a control panel and get the door open, The door barely closed behind them as the last person got inside as a loud thump hit the door, followed by by another hate filled howl. " Is everyone safe and accounted for? "

By the time they got inside, Peter was almost gasping for breath. He knew that a rainforest was bad for him, that his lungs weren't suited for such high humidity. He eased the unconscious woman he carried to the ground, quickly checking her vitals. "I believe so, though Ensign Olowe is in very bad shape." He knelt by her side and gently touched her temple, hoping to lock away some of her discomfort. "We need to get back to the ship."

" I Agree. " Junjie stated. " But first we have a few problems to take care of before we leave. First we have to figure out how to detect those things and stop them before they shred us to pieces, I'll start working on something. " He briefly paused. " Could someone set up the distress beacon? We should have one with the survival gear. Anyone else have any insight or suggestions? "

"Yes sir. On it," Minka said. Distress beacon. Machinery, she was all over that.

"We need to determine if its intelligent or running solely on instinct," the petite engineer stated pulling out the required equipment. She triangulated to where she knew the Copernicus was and her fingers started dancing wildly over the controls. She decided to override its traditional workings of sending it in all directions on a revolving spin and to zip it completely in the direction of the ship. "I'm going to throw out a hunch that it ain't no T'Kon."

Junjie looked up after pulling a small force field cube from the survival gear bag. " Ensign Sato, When your done setting up the beacon could you give me a hand with this please? "

A scream or shriek of anger could be heard but not from outside, this time is came from within the building they had taken shelter, it was still at a distance from them but unmistakably close.

"We need to explore further," Peter pointed out as the beacon was set up, nodding towards one of the corridors. "I am going down that path, see what is down there." He didn't wait for the others to respond, and started towards the corridor.

Minka had moved to join the Science chief as requested thinking the Vulcan was nuts to go off walking on his lonesome.

Junjie glanced up from where he was work on the cube and watched Commander Horn walking off by himself. " Could someone please go with the Commander to make sure he doesn't get devoured by something, No one should be exploring by themselves."

Minka did the math. The security officer was out cold and if the Science chief was asking someone to go with the Vulcan officer, as there was only those two, that meant her.

"Sure thing sir," the young woman said going after him. "Commander I don't think you should be venturing out here by yourself," she said as she caught up with him.

"I am not by myself," Peter answered, trying to suppress a series of coughs. "And it is not far.." He led the young woman down the short path, right into what seemed to be a control room. "Maybe we can access the systems, perhaps even some measures to keep us safe," he said as he touched the controls, "or tell us what this building is, exactly."

The systems sprang to life, the room lighting up, control systems once again starting to operate after millennia, and it was reaching out to find a processor... One was on the mountain side, fighting it with more strength than it could have thought possible. But now it could sense two others. One was before it now and it started to force its way in to the telepathic mind.

Peter could feel something tug at the edge of his consciousness, prying and searching a way into his mind. Whatever it was, it was very strong, breaking down his mental walls with fair ease. He shook his head, fighting the intrusion, his hands resting on the controls to keep himself on his feet. "Something is wrong," he said, closing his eyes, shaking his head a second time in an attempt to ward off the intrusion. His eyes unfocused as he was losing the battle.

"Someone else is in the mainframe!" the sound of the Captains voice in the Vulcans mind, distant as if coming through the machines will.

"Captain!" the Vulcan counselor called out, his hands slowly drifting towards the controls, sliding across the surface of the console. He sensed the captain, far far away. What is this thing, why is it drawing me in?

'It needs telepathic beings to operate... Resist it for the life of your team resist it!' the Captain replied before the machine blocked them from being able to communicate.

"Sir I am not sure that is wise," Minka said firmly watching him trying to operate who knew how old machinery. "I would suggest letting me get my engineering kit on that."

There was something in the Vulcans face, which she knew they rarely showed emotion but something was beginning to wig her out here.

The Vulcan's face was a mask of concentration, though it held a hint of fear. Whatever this thing was, it was strong and it was costing a great deal of effort not to be pulled in. But Vulcans were naturally curious creatures, and Peter -especially with his history in security- was no different even though he was cautious. "Yes, study it," he told Minka, though his eyes never left the controls. "It is so strong... it has the captain." His voice trailed off, his eyes losing their focus.



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