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Today Is A Good Day...

Posted on Tue May 4th, 2021 @ 10:46am by Ensign L'johk Adams

957 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Fear Is Fear Itself
Location: Deck 4 - Crew Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 1 @ 1100 Hours


Despite everything that had happened over the last few days L'johK couldn't get Chief Darcy from his mind. After just the briefest of encounters in the gym she seemed to have invaded every waking moment of his life to the extent that she was the only thing he could think about, and it was starting to affect his day to day life and his duties on Copernicus. He had decided that maybe he needed to see her again, but if he was going to see her would he not need a reason and so had decided that he would do the most logical thing his Human half was almost demanding... Ask her out for dinner!

He pressed the chime to her quarters, hoping that her bunk mate would be on duty so he had no one else listening in to their conversation, he nervously smoothed down the front of his uniform wishing that he had brought some flowers to offer her.

Amalia flicked on the light that was just over her bunk and pulled aside the curtains that were there to help a person sleep, when the other was moving in and out. She dropped down from the upper bunk and straightened out her over sized tee shirt and capri pants she used as pajamas. Her hair was a bit tousled but she walked over and answered the door. Her bunkmate was already on duty. She had the night shift.

Amalia opened the door and her eyes widened at seeing Adams "Hey L'johk, fancy seeing you here. Um.. want to come in? The others are out and about." stepping back to let him come in.

"I'm sorry" he looked her up and down noticing her attire and dishevelled appearance and concluded she was or had been sleeping when he rang the chime. He even knew she was the nightshift senior. "You were sleeping... I can come back another time!"

Amalia shook her head, giving a bit of a smile, "Nope, you are here right now, don't leave. " pulling Adams inside. "What can I do for you? Besides, you are worth waking up for." giving him an embrace. "Can I get you a glass of water?"

"No I'm fine thanks" suddenly feeling very nervous and the most un-Klingon he possibly could. His Human half really taking over and the insecure nervous elements of his Human Mother showing him as more human than he would have liked. "I... erm... I just wanted to... I should go, you need sleep before your nightshift!"

"L'johk...relax it's okay." Standing on her tiptoes and giving him a kiss. "I've already been sleeping, you've got something on your mind so, tell me. Please." Amalia giving him an encouraging smile. "And if you leave, without letting me know what that is, my mind will be constantly nagging at me trying to figure out what you wanted, therefore I would lose sleep anyway."

She kissed him and his worries just seemed to fadeaway like a bad dream, the tender sweet gentleness of her touch electrifying him. This really was the time, the only chance he would get to ask her and now it just seemed that his worries about asking had been more than a triviality.
"I wanted to ask you to dinner... when you have the time!"

Taking a look at the chronometer then back towards L'johk "You know I'm available right now." giving a lopsided grin at Adams. "I will just have to change into something better than sleepwear. So... civvies, uniform? Your choice. Or sleep wear." her lopsided grin turning more into a full smile.

It was a little unsettling when someone was out L'johK'ing L'johK with the quick whit and jovial nature abundant. Could that we why he was so attracted to her? Either which way he was over joyed that she had said yes and found he was just standing there like a goof with a school boy grin from ear to ear.

"Still your choice. Civvies, Uniform or.. Sleep wear. I can very well call a dinner a peanut butter sandwich served whilst on a picnic or just eating it here with just the two of us. " Amalia replied, "Maybe I am strange in that aspect."

"Your not strange" the goofy smile half returning before he pulled himself back under control. "Uniform or Civvies will be fine... I wouldn't want to delay you starting your shift... I have a table reserved in the Cafe!"

Amalia thought for a moment then responded. "I'll go with uniform, this way I won't miss out on time for dinner, with you." giving him another quick kiss. "Have a seat while I get a quick shower and get ready." then getting her change of clothing, and disappeared into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Amalia stepped out put her sleep wear on her bunk and pulled her uniform tunic on. Last part was sliding her boots on. She ran a comb through her hair and then said, "Okay I am ready."

Like a gentleman he offered his elbow to her so she could link her arm around his and started to lead her from her quarters and on towards the nearest turbolift... He hadn't expected her to say yes, or at least not as quickly.
"How long have you got before your duty shift? If you have the time I have a holodeck program that you might like... A walk along the coast of Bajor's Rekantha Coastline. rose quartz coloured waters crashing against golden beaches with a tropical climate!"

Amalia took his elbow, marveling at well, whatever this was, she was loving it. Smiling up at the strong wonderful man. "I've got some time, dinner.. walk along the beach. It sounds wonderful."



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