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The Real Me

Posted on Tue Oct 26th, 2021 @ 12:20pm by Jaas'rah & Lieutenant JG Sher'ra Verona

1,666 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 4 - The Fires Of Hades
Location: Habitat Ring - Level 7 Section 2
Timeline: Mission Day 1 @ 0845 Hours


Jaas'rah had been thrust into this situation and not by his own choosing but he had to say one thing, despite the station also being in less than an ideal condition, it was far more comfortable than his old ship and lodgings. He even had running water for a honest to god real shower, something he had not enjoyed for a long time. He had lingered in the cascading hot water for a little longer than he should just enjoying the feel of the grim and dirt being washed from his emerald skin.

Once he had finished he had dried and was now padding his way across the small quarters he had been assigned while they waited for Starfleet to arrive when he realised he wasn't alone. Thankfully he had no need to hide his modesty this time as he recognised the fierce beauty before him as one of his own countrymen... even if she was a mix breed, if anything he Klingon heritage made her even more intoxicating to his senses but he showed no sign of that.

"Lieutenant Verona... Do you not know how to knock?" he asked as he collected up his trousers, newly replicated to match his old attire.

“I did but there was no answer” Sher’ra replied, doing her best to maintain eye contact and keep a professional demeanour, “if you don’t mind, I have a few questions for you. Starfleet needs to know a few things, for the official record”

Jaas'rah noticed her eyes darting back and forth and couldn't help but smile at her reaction. He had been told these Starfleet types, not matter the race, were all very suffocated and restrained. He personally found being naked very freeing and refreshing after a hard days work but out of courtesy to her he slipped into his trousers to cover his modesty.
"Ask your question Lieutenant... I shall answer!"

Once he was secure in his trousers he started across the room to the replicator and ordered himself some native Cardassian cuisine, something he found at least mildly palatable before taking a seat at the small table a chairs. "Please join me!"

Taking a seat across the table from him, Sher’ra took a moment before starting her questions, “so, why don’t you tell me what you were doing before we picked you up?”

"I was indentured to a not very savoury individual Lieutenant. I'm a trader by nature but he put me to use as an assassin using my aberration as a weapon in his favour. He sent me out here with his attack dogs in search of new weapons to use against his enemies at the Agora Crossroads, or what you Federations know as the Bachta Niko Cartels. He killed my wife and my son who was only three years old right before my eyes... and no, thanks to you, I am free of his clutches but where do I go now... tell me Lieutenant because I have no idea. My life was hell bent on securing my freedom and maybe killing him at the same time. Now I can't go back without it raising suspicion... I can't even return to claim my ship which by now would have been claimed by him so that means I am now stuck here with you people... Does that answer that question?"

Every word was dripping with hatred, anger and yet at the same time a respect for the people who saved him and free'd him from a life of service.
"Your turn Lieutenant.... Why are you here and not with either of your peoples. The Klingons would accept you without a doubt if you are the warrior I suspect you to be and the Orions would no doubt fold to your charms, assuming they are like any other Orion women!"

Picking up on his anger, Sher'ra took a quick breath before answering, "We were responding to a distress call, so it would seem you weren't the only ones we saved. As for why I'm here, my mother escaped from the Syndicate at a young age and sought refuge in the federation and my father wanted to pursue a life as a chef instead of a warrior so he wasn't exactly welcome in the Empire, so he also chose to live in the Federation" she said, not sure why she was explaining this to him. "I could've chosen any path, but I was inspired by the kindness of a Starfleet officer to join Starfleet myself and I've never looked back"

After a moment, something he'd said sounded a little strange to her, "what do you mean aberration?"

"I suppose not having lived with your own people you wouldn't know... Male Orion are not born with the pheromone glands... Not as a rule. I on the other hand exist as part of the less than one percent of male Orion's who are born with them. I can control it but it affects everyone and not just my opposite gender!"
He sounded almost ashamed by it, a stigma still applied to him by his own even to this day. He was a male Orion but smaller, less imposing frame. If anything he was only identifiable as Orion because of his emerald skin. He could have passed as Human easily enough otherwise.

“Then it would seem we have something in common. Due to my Klingon half, I have two sets of pheromone glands which due to a quirk of fate are both active. Starfleet has developed an implant for Orion’s serving in their fleet which suppresses the pheromones. Perhaps we could fit you with one?”

"I'm not part of your fleet... I may not like it but it is part of who I am!"
He sounded almost indignant at the idea but soon softened his expression knowing that she was one of the ones that saved him. “Apologies Lieutenant... That topic does spark some high emotions for me!"

“It’s perfectly fine, I understand the struggle. When I was younger my own heightened pheromones caused any male around me to become extremely aggressive and would often fight any other male that came near them”

"That is a pain we both share... Although my genetic aberration affects both males and females... But I have the ability to turn it on and off at will as needed!"
The conversation was starting to meander a little and no matter how intoxicating she was even without her pheromones, he needed to get to a point.
"You had other questions?"

Caught a little off guard by his question, Sher’ra hadn’t realised how distracted by him she was, “oh right, sorry….” She said looking down at her PADD trying to think, “Um, so you said you were a trader. Did you conduct any business with the Syndicate or did you prefer more reliable clients?” She said, finding it hard to concentrate on her work. Her breathing and heart rate had increased and she felt warmer then normal not only in her face but all over her body, like her blood was on fire, but in a good way.

"The Syndicate, the Cartels, the Don's but I was indentured by a particularly nasty member of the Orion Syndicate when he realised what I could do". He was toying with her, releasing just enough of his pheromones to test her... maybe he was cheating a little but it made things easier as he didn't read people as well as he let on but the truth was in the pudding, as the Humans would say.
"Lieutenant, why don't we stop the posturing and game playing and just get to the real reason you came to see me... If it helps I will say yes?"

A look of shock came to Sher'ra's face. It was true that she found him attractive and she'd even fantasized about him, but the last thing she'd expected was for him to be so forward about it. Collecting her thoughts, she took a deep breath to try and recentre herself before answering.
"Well, I will say i've never met someone like you before. You don't hold back when it comes to your thoughts do you?" She said, shutting down her PADD and looking him over, "So it's that easy is it? All I have to do it ask? You know you're not on an Orion ship now right? You are not a slave here. Not if you don't want to be"

"I am free only bound by my own code of honour... You people saved me so I will lend my aid... You are the slave but to a higher moral standard... Something I didn't realise about you Federation types until now. The Orion Syndicate spread some propaganda about your organisation. It has been something of an eye opener for me the last few days!"
He shifted in the chair and pushed himself up, starting to stalk his way around the room gathering up a sleeveless loose muddy brown tunic. He pulled it on over his head, making sure to flex his abdominals as he did so, allowing her one final show before he had to get his day started. "Now, if you will excuse me Lieutenant... I have promised to help your Lieutenant Yoshida and Chief Stoun... But as you have not asked, I will meet you on the promenade at nineteen thirty hours for dinner!"

Sher'ra stood where she was stunned for a moment before she found her tongue, "um yea sure. Sorry I'll leave you to your work" she said before turning around and quickly walking out of the room. She had to get her head back into the game so chose to return to her office where she could bury herself in her work and ignore the feelings that she was feeling towards this man, which she wasn't sure was appropriate

"And dinner, tonight... The replimat!"
Without stopping he left the comment hanging as he left the quarters.



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