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Posted on Sat Dec 17th, 2022 @ 9:03pm by Admiral Vriha re'Tinatha & Commander Peter Horn & Lieutenant Commander Melanie D’BrooNi- Haistro & Commander Merik tr'Sei

1,406 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 5 - Objects In Motion
Location: Oriana Omega Three - Mountain Shrine
Timeline: Mission Day 5 @ 1100 Hours


Vriha's new world had started to take shape, the old ruins repurposed into the fashioning's of a new city and the enslaved creatures the original inhabitants had left behind a positive treasure trove of secrets, knowledge and a weapon they could use.

She slipped out of bed, waving away the attendant once he had slipped the white satin robe around her, the breeze from the open expansive windows catching the light flowing fabric with ease as she slowly made her way onto the balcony, a small table with a pot of tea waiting for her. A knock on the door stopped her, the vista beyond the opening enticing but she had been waiting for these two to arrive. Her fleet Admiral and the new friend they had made over in a pit of scum and villainy that she had come to understand was something called the Cartels region of space.

"Enter!" she called to the immense solid wooden doors and the attendants beyond as she continued across the room until she was finally standing on her balcony.

Gracefully, a fully cloaked individual entered the room, though from the contours the person was clearly female. Her face was obscured as she had adopted the Crossroads Don's way to keep her true identity away from the people as a measure of safety. Contrary to the Crossroads Don, her cloak was made of a slightly shiny fabric that at first sight appeared to be black. However as soon as it caught the light in the room, it appeared to be an extremely dark shade of green. Almost, as if the darkness was a forewarning towards the woman's personality.

From behind the obscurity of her hood, the woman smiled. "So we meet again," she said, her voice thankfully changed by a small device she wore under her hood. Again, to protect her true identity.

The new praetor greeted the arrivals, the hooded figure more importantly, she hoped, would be the bearer of news she had been waiting for.

"Admiral Nurribe, always a pleasure... And you, my new friend... Do I finally get to know your name?"

The Praetors voice like silk masking a viper ready to strike. Her voice was danger wrapped in a pleasant mask that could lull any but the most astute.

"You don't," the cloaked female answered smoothly as she found herself a seat. She folded gloved fingers in front of her as she gazed around from under her hood. She had taken the precaution of masking most of her features as well, just in case someone would have the dumb idea of trying to pull back the hood. "Fair warning," she added, "anyone trying to unmask me will meet a gruesome death."

"You are the cheery sort are you not!" The Praetor teased playfully, certainly feeling almost giddy at the possibilities this individual was now presenting to her and the Tal'Shiar at large, not to mention the bounty one of her Admirals was now bringing as well.

Another knock on the door signaled the arrival of a third visitor. At the other side of the door Merik stood waiting. He was in a good mood and this time he didn't hide all of it. There was an ever so slight smile on his face.

At the remark of the masked and cloaked female, Admiral Senclar looked at her " I have no interest in seeing what lies beneath your mask." he said blandly. And he didn't have any interest, it was all just a part of the clandestine meeting and he cared not at all. "Well oh masked one, if you don't wish to give us your name, how do you want us to refer to you as." then his attention was caught by something of more interest and that was the arrival of Commander Merik tr'Sei. "You look like the proverbial human feline that ate a bird."

“In this case the analogy with a bird makes it an understatement.” By Human standards Merik’s attempt at humor missed the mark, but for a Romulan it was not too bad.

"I am referred to as Don Cartel, for obvious reasons," the shrouded female answered, almost haughtily.

Senclar gave her a slight raise of his eyebrow. "As in you are the head of the snake as it were or just a representative." then he gave a cold smile.

Vriha held a hand up to silence the two already bickering like naughty children, she had no time for it. Instead, she needed to know if the virus and the mission objects she has set for Merik had been obtained.

"Merik... Tell me you have good news?"

“I have, praetor. My mission to retrieve the blueprints for the Genesis device has been a success.” Merik said proudly. “We disabled and boarded a Starfleet Science vessel that conducted research on a double white dwarf system some 8 Light Years from here. After some encouragement the First Officer was willing to give us access to their main computer, which allowed us to retrieve the information on the Genesis device from the database located at Starbase 344.”

To everyone's surprise some sort of transporter beam materialised an alien into the room. "No need, no need," they held their hands out as weapons were raised. Not that she believed it would make a dent on her personal shield. So far the technology of this time was lacking compared to their empire. Their past empire she reminded herself sadly.

"Do you have intel on my race?" she smiled simply. "I heard your just the people to hang out with in this time. And I wanted to get in on the action. Punish the bastards dragged me back into this time."

Vriha disregarded her Iconian advisor, always one to make a lavish entrance to upstage anyone who entered before, in stead she focused on Merik, his news meant that the plan to push Starfleet from the area and begin to rebuild a stronger Romulan Empire.
"Merik... You delightful man!" she said, almost playfully. "Do you have it on your person... the data?"

"Yes, praetor, I do." Merik opened his right hand and showed one Isolinear rod. "Everything concerning the Genesis device is there."

Gently she took the isolinear rod from her Commander's out stretched hand, her smile broadening making her look almost girlish but it lasted all but a second before she whipped around on her other guest.
"Now, Cartel Don... whatever you want to be called... Tell me about these samples you have procured for us?"

Obscured by the hood, the Romulan Don smiled. "Of course I do, well over 900 of them, all ready to be modified and mass-replicated." She folded her hands in front of her, lacing gloved fingers. "Do you have payment for the samples?"

The appearance of yet another unknown person, Admiral Senclar, had gotten himself some tea, and blandly watched the proceeding. Seeming to not show much interest, when indeed he was very interested.

Vriha circled the hooded figure, her joy at the coming together of her grand plan starting to overwhelm her. "That depends on how quickly can you start to modify the genetic makeup of the samples with the data profiles we provided?"

"As soon as we agree on payment," the Don answered, a smile audible in her voice.

"Tell us more as to what this is about? What vilianous plan is lying in wait for us to plan or brainstorm on?" This time Senclar gave a bit of a cold smile.

"Its simple really" the Praetor cooed at the group softly. "The Federation made oh so many promises and still our world died, our families died. We live as a fractured people, no longer powerful, no longer strong but we can change all of that. This planet will be the New Romulas, we will use the Fedrations own technology on them. The Virus to clear a planet of civilisation leaving nothing but the infra structure clear and ripe to be repurposed by us. If they beat the virus in whichever form we deliver it to them then we use this so called Genesis Devise to repurpose the planet... it would be ripe for colonisation!"

"Intriguing and also diabolical. I like it and it seems like a win, win situation to me." Senclar answered.

"It will give us our rightful place in the universe again. The way we have to live now is a disgrace." Merik commented.



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