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Rock and roll

Posted on Sun Apr 28th, 2024 @ 8:28pm by Lieutenant Commander Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Commander Hiro Sommers-Yoshida

2,106 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Palingenesis
Location: Ops


Liam was still getting used to his new assignment heading up Ops. Whereas he had been in and around ops on numerous occasions in previous incantations, the sheer amount of processes and things that happened in it on a star base was out sounding.

"Sir 3 Bird of Prey just materialised in the sector. They are heading our direction," a Bolian ensign told him.

Liam blinked he had not seen any notification to expect any Klingons.

"Open a ...."

"They are hailing us audio only," she cut him off and the next moment everyone was groaning in pain at the assault on their senses. Klingon death metal music louder than it ever needed to be flooded the department.

Liam immediatly cut it and sent a verbal message. "This is Commander Liam Reynolds. How may we assist?"

The visual switched on and panned in on a family face. K'Nara Corval holding the equivalent of a Klingon power guitar.

"Liam I come to avenge you. We will find the head of your p'tahk honourless wife, stuff it with Targ dung and hang it somewhere on Kronos as a warning never to insult a member of the house of Corval," she said seriously. The malice on her face made the poor ensign shudder.

Liam sighed used to her colourfulness. Of course his first week on the job K'Nara would show up and embarrass him completely though. Everyone looked confused. It was not common knowledge the Klingon house saw him as one of their own.

"She's already dead," he told her calmly. "You need an official reason to dock at the station."

"Oh I do. Commander Sommer-Yoshida invited me," she grinned a toothy grin and strummed a chord equally as uncomfortable as the previous music.

Liam swallowed. "Get Commander Sommers-Yoshida up here. Let him know he has a guest."

Hiro entered Ops 5 minutes later. Walking up to Liam he said, “So, she has arrived. I wasn’t sure she would come. Has her ship docked yet?”

“Ships,” Liam said amused. He didn’t know why his buddy had invited K’Nara but he had a good deal of faith in Hiro having authorised the docking of 3 Klingon birds of prey no doubt armed to the back teeth no further questions asked.

“Either shes just decided she was arriving in style or she really is going after Kaylees head,” he said darkly.

“Shall we find out? If I don’t greet her with you it will be a slight on the house considering I’m complicatedly part of it,”

There was a couple of confused gasps around him, Liam sensing a lot of curiosity in both men’s direction.

“I’ve had her Beamed to the conference room,” he said indicating the direction. “After you Commander.”

“Let’s not keep her waiting then.” Hiro replied while started to walk in the direction of the conference room. “I’ve met her a few times before and know she’s not a woman to be trifled with.”

K’Nara stood dressed in typical Klingon leather battle dress. Luckily she had decided to discard the guitar. One of her men having beamed down with her was holding a ridiculously large vat of what Liam could only assume was blood wine.

He slammed it down on the table.

Liam bowed slightly since Dukakhs death she was the leader of the house now. “House mistress. Welcome.”

She looked stern but Liam caught a wave of fondness and familiarity from her. He even thought he saw a tiny hint of a smile. He couldn’t hold back the laugh though at what she said next. He hoped his buddy was ready for a K’Nara dance.

“So Hiro. No poetry. I am disappointed,”

Hiro look at Liam for a halve a second, not knowing what to think of K’Nara’s remark. “Poetry.. Had I known in advance I would’ve quoted Shakespeare at your arrival.”

The male Klingon started to roar with laughter. Liam sensing what was coming next moved himself and Hiro into a safer space. The rapid yelling In klingonese started too fast for the universal transporter.

He was rusty of course from his days in a transfer situation with the house of Corval but caught the words “Silence,” and “Stupid human to be a lover”

“Quoting poetry is starting a romance,” he whispered as K’Nara kicked her guard.

“I think she’s kidding,”

Crack. The sound of a broken something, followed by more rapid klingonese.

“I can leave here with two wives heads …..”

“I think,” Liam added. he was 60% sure.

The male stood to attention and glared at Hiro. “You would need to up your prowless Shakespeare is not worthy enough for a house mistress.”

Liam looked back at Hiro who wisely decided to change the subject. He was glad the guard had seen fit to protect Knaras pride.

“ nuqneH,”

Thinking with Klingon’s it’s better to be straightforward and not beat around the bush, Hiro calmly said “I need a ship with a cloaking device.”

K’Nara took a seat, leaning back in the chair. “And I have three. But what’s in it for me?”

“Honor, and perhaps a chance at a glorious death.” In truth Hiro was hoping the latter would not come to pass. But it was dangerous territory where he needed to go.

K’Nara seemed to perk up, leaning forward her battle dress revealing deep cleavage. “Let’s have a drink,” she smiled widely.

Her underling started pouring glasses.

“Tell me more,”

Hiro was about start when he thought of something. “I will, but not here. It would be good if we transport to a fully secured room on your ship.”

Liam knew not to ask questions. He was just coming up with a polite way to leave the situation. Whatever Hiro's business was, unless it came up in a senior briefing it was not his business. And he knew better than to ask K'Nara Corval.

He chuckled as the other Klingon said in fast Klingonese making up for his earlier blunder, "Perhaps the human wishes time alone with you after all Mistress."

K'Nara ignored it curious now and seemingly giving Liam the out he needed. "Liam you will dine with me this evening and come present the boy. He is also House of Corval."

Liam nearly swore in confusion until his head caught up. He had forgot that little detail. That would be an interesting conversation explaining it to his son later.

"We would be honoured. I'll see you later. Commander," he nodded to Hiro making his escape back to ops.

K'Nara touched a button on her wrist her eyes never leaving Hiro's. "Beam us up with the human also next to me, to the war room."

The transporter beam shimmered away revealing a much darker environment. And the temperature was cooler than the station. They were stood in a circular room with a huge interactive table in the middle. Around them various weapons were mounted around the wall. Some sort of fire torches or lights made to look like like fire torches lined the walls along with lots of Klingon things that clearly had significance. Not many non Klingons got to be allowed in such a room.

"This is the most secure room in my ship, well apart from my bed chamber," K'Nara informed the human in front of her. "You may speak freely now. M'Torq pour the drinks. Large ones. Lets see if the Commanders constitution to blood wine has improved since the last time we drank together,"

It was Hiro’s first time ever to find himself in the inner sanctum of a Klingon warship and his curiosity compelled him to look around. Not in a too obvious way, but enough to get a good impression. Upon hearing the word Bloodwine he felt thankful he stopped by Sickbay after the possibility occurred to him of a drinking contest. It took some creativity and persuasion before the medical staff on duty had given him something to better cope with the Bloodwine. “I’m honored to be here,..House mistress, and I’ll be honored once more to share Bloodwine with you.” Hiro said after he remembered how Liam had addressed K’Nara.

“You need only bestow that title upon me if you are a member of my house. Which you are not. So You may address me as “Sa” the equivalent I think of your human title General. I will allow it in human terms,”

She took the offered tankard and slammed it into his own which was now magically in front of him.

“Iwllj Jachjaj,”

~May your blood scream~

Hiro remembered that phrase. The last, and the first time, he heard it he ended in a barrel filled to the top with bloodwine. Fool me once… he thought while he took a large swig out if his tankard. After he’d swallowed the bloodwine he answered K’Nara with “Qapla!”

She was of no illusions he didn’t have something to counteract her wine and keep a clear head either. They had scanned his person as soon as they beamed in. That was a rookie mistake. She could consider that either clever or a sleight but to have the balls to invite her and not use Liam in any way was respectful and meant there was something big brewing.

He was cute for a human, reminding her slightly of Connor her first husband, and as much as a booty call was appealing, dealing with, having a three way with or having to kill his whinny wife wasn’t why she had taken the invitation.

“Now spill which petaQ do I get to hunt down?”

“Romulans..” Hiro managed to get out and then paused for a second or two. He shouldn’t feel dizzy this soon. What did the Nurse gave him? A placebo? “But it’s..personal.”

Both Klingons spat simultaneously at the mention of Romulans. "Its always personal with those petaQs." K'Nara said. "But if you want me to loan you one of my birds of prey and crew then your going to have to share as to why its personal. I will not send my people in blind."

She indicated her underling to refill everyone's cup.

The Asian man look at both K’Nara and M’Torq. “Fair…request. But let me first..” Hiro looked around and after a long 10 seconds or so found what he was looking for. “..sit down.” He sat down in what he believed to be a chair and placed his tankard beside him while still holding on to it. “I..I have good..” The stuff the medical staff had given him didn’t work. He felt the exact same way as he did many years ago on Aquil. “I have believe the Romulans..murdered my father.”

K'Nara cocked her head. "Why would they do that? And how?”

“I’ve grown up believing that… that my father was an expert Terra..former..” It became ever more difficult for Hiro to talk. It took all his focus to pronounce the words in such a way that K’Nara would still be able to understand. “But he..was…not. He was.. He was..a high..ranking..Intelligence Officer.” At that moment he knocked over his tankard. “Not again…” he half whispered and next just fell out of the chair.

K'Nara shared a look with her underling then reached down and with very little effort hauled the human back up to his seat.

"No more for you," she snapped disappointed.

"Always so delicate these humans," the underling laughed.

"How did you intelligence father make enemy of the Romulans then that you call me to help you avenge his death?" K'Nara asked.

By now Hiro could barely keep his eyes open and his senses were all but numb due to the amount of strong Bloodwine. "Sssecret base.. Golorothhh." he said with difficulty.

K’Nara stood up annd laughed heartily. She easily picked up the human and threw him over her shoulders patting his bottom amused. “It seems your gracing my bed chambers after all.

Go tell the navigator to plot a course to Goloroth. With any luck Hiro here will have slept things off by the time we arrive,”

When Hiro heard the word bed an alarm bell went off inside his head, but he didn’t have the strength anymore to protest. He only said “Marrrried..” befor he passed out.

K'Nara continued laughing.

Lieutenant Commander Hiro Sommers-Yoshida
Chief Operations SB21

K'Nara Corval, Mistress of the House of Corval
NPC Liam Reynolds


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