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Posted on Sat Jan 2nd, 2021 @ 2:38pm by Lieutenant Commander Melanie D’BrooNi- Haistro

1,469 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 2 - Echoes Of An Empire
Location: CMOs office, sickbay
Timeline: MD6 - 15:23


Mel made it to sick bay ready to barricade herself in her office and work. She still could not believe he had just told her to “just go.” Well she was gone. He could damn well come find her when he had decided to stop being so … she didn’t even have a word for it.

“Definitely some mixed signals going on …” one of her hosts churned.

“Doctor sorry to bother you but your daughters here wanting to see you,” one of her nurses informed her appearing at the door after a few hours. It seemed pouring over reports and research had helped her calm down a fair bit.

Charlie just strode right in. “Mum we need to talk about that man you’re secretly seeing,”

“What? How do you …” Mel stood up seeing her nurse had caught some of that and was pulling a face. She pulled her daughter inside. She ensured the door was shut before turning back to her. “Charlie you can’t just turn up in sickbay and announce things like that in earshot of my staff.”

“I don’t care. Look I should have done this last night, but I was still getting my head round it.

You have been sneaking around and it’s not on,” the teen stated folding her arms. “And I know all about it and him.”

“Okay yes something started with someone and I was going to tell you ….”

“I don’t care, you need to end it,”

“What?” Mel looked at her. “But I thought you liked ….” She didn’t get to finish her sentence.

“You’re not just embarrassing yourself and me taking up with him, but the rest of the ship are going to talk and label you a harlot,” Charlie said seriously. “And what about everyone else involved. How could you do that and not think about all other parties?”

“Embarrass you. That’s not going to happen. Look Charlie I know it’s a little complicated and needs to be discreet ….” Mel started assuming she meant her and Paddy saying that. She had no idea where Harlot had come from. Maybe it was an in word in the teenage world right now.

“Discreet. You shouldn’t be going anywhere near that man,” Charlie bellowed at her.

“Well first of all young lady, I have been thinking of all other parties thank you. I was going to tell you when you had less on,” Mel said her eyes directly on her. “And second of all its between me and him so you don’t get to tell me …”

“Mum I’m telling you to end it right now,” Charlie insisted cutting her off again.

“Well no,” Mel said defiantly. “Its not like I took up with someone right after dad died Charlie. I might be your mother but I am allowed a life and he’s a good man. And you have never complained about them being in our lives before or being embarrassed.”

“You’re going to end it or I’m going to go tell Keiben and get him to order you not to see him. And I’ll march Tam down here. Get her to talk some sense into you. You can’t go behaving like this.”

“What?” Mel looked at her dumbfounded. “Well you need not worry. He just pretty much did order me away. And Tam. Well she was all for me having a little happiness. Yet my own daughter …”

“Good … “Charlie said not listening properly just happy that she had just said it had been ended. “Wait …. “she looked confused. “How …. I haven’t told him yet.”

“Well being one of the two in the party I like to think Keiben’s aware,” Mel shot back.

“Are you sure you two are talking about the same person?” Leiko interjected.

That was both a reassuring and worrying notion right now Mel mused.

She could see her daughter mentally connecting things together. She figured she was about to find out.

“You’re seeing Keiben?”

“Yes,” Mel said. Well she thought she was. She wasn’t sure what was going on after their last conversation.

“And the pilot. Mum this is even worse. You can’t cheat on Keiben. I like Keiben,” Charlie it seemed needed to sit down. She pulled the chair opposite Mel’s desk out.

“He’s always there for us. He makes me laugh and he’s let me be a yeoman. How could you do that to both him and a married woman?”

“What? I’m not cheating on anyone …. What wait …”

“Pilot, pilot, pilot …

She said pilot …. All her hosts were popping the words up in her mind.

“I’m not seeing a pilot. Where have you …”

“MUM I saw you come out of the holodeck and kiss him the other night,” Charlie said. “Minka said you have been coming a few times there with him. And he came back for some clothing after you left.”

“He’s been teaching me to land that shuttle and brush up on my flying. I had managed to do it. Oh Charlie. I kissed him on the cheek as a thank you. I was so excited, do you know how many times I had crashed that thing,” Mel said.

“That man had the patient of a saint. He helped me so I can confidently do this survey I’m supposed to be helping with. And I was going to surprise both you and Keib …..” She trailed off.

Charlie had pulled her legs up and was hugging her knees to her. “You only do that when you have done something really silly…”

“Mum I am so sorry ….”

“What did you do?”

“I went and spoke to the pilot’s wife. She thinks you’re having an affair,”

It was Mel’s turn to sit down. She placed her elbows on the desk and head in her hands. “Oh Charlie ….”

“I’ll go put her straight. This is all my fault,”

“NO No …” Mel said. “I’ll speak to her.”

They were both silent for a long while Charlie hugging her knees and Mel just dumbfounded at this development.

Her console made a noise. “Keibens just called a senior staff meeting. I’m going to have to attend and I will go speak too, no I will profusely apologise to Neisha. If she will even hear me.

You really thought I would do that. She’s pregnant. Newly married. I was hoping to have coffee with her and hopefully make a friend.”

“I’m sorry mum I just saw 4 and 4 and got 52 … Minka didn’t help either,” Charlie said. “I can see how stupid it was now. I should have come to you first. I’m sorry.”

“I have no clue who Minka is but none of it was any of her business, promise me you will not go back to that poor lady. Let me try smooth this whole mess out,” Mel said. She could feel the headache descending.

“I promise mum,” Charlie said. She was just mortified. How had she got this so wrong? “I worked myself up and thought the worst. I called you a Harlot.
Am I grounded?”

Part of Mel’s mouth twitched slightly despite herself.

“Yes ground her. For weeks. There’s only ever been one D’BrooNi harlot and that crowns Leiko’s ….” Mina laughed.

“Hey ….” Leiko said. “I was a Courtesan.”

“No. We both were silly. I should have told you about Keiben from the get-go. And now it has caused all this mess. I just wanted some time to be just me and enjoy being with him. And I made excuses up worried how you would take it. I’m sorry it was selfish. I was enjoying having someone who was interested in me,” Mel said. “For a little while.”

“Was interested?”

“Possibly,” Mel said sadly. “It might be now. I have no clue what’s going on. He was angry and upset. But I’m angry and upset too.”

“At least he got what he wanted. You told Charlie ….” Hal said.

“I’ll go talk to him …” Charlie stood up looking determined. “I like Keiben. I give my blessing to you and Keiben getting together. As long as he can’t ground me. Right .. or can he you know being Captain?”

“No no no sweetheart we don’t need another 52,” Mel said quickly. “And actually, I think maybe he could,” she chuckled a little despite it all.

“Well don’t give him ideas now mum ….”

Mel got up and pulled Charlie into a hug. “We will talk properly later. Go home. Do your homework. I’ll join you in a few hours once this meeting is out the way and I have had a chance to speak to Neisha."



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